Lavender Mixed Bouquet
Lavender Mixed Bouquet
Our dried Lavender is combined with locally-grown dried flowers and grasses into a beautiful bouquet with a delightful fragrance, and finished with a velvet ribbon.
In the height of summer, our Lavender is harvested early in the morning, hung to dry, and lovingly gathered into bundles.
Please note that we do not recommend shipping this item - it is best to pre-order for PICK UP at our Farm Store or a local market.
Available as a mini or regular bundle.
Quality Small Batch Production
Our lavender is Certified Naturally Grown and distilled on site in small batches to capture the floral scents of the field and produce our essential oils, floral waters, and other lavender delights. We strive to be environmentally thoughtful in our farming, production, and packaging practices.
♻ Recyclable / reusable packaging.
The smell will gently fade with time, lasting about one year if kept out of direct sunlight.
Our Lavender is grown without herbicides, pesticides or synthetic chemicals; using only natural and organic soil amendments. Hand harvested in Glenmoore Pennsylvania USA.