• Lavender, known for its beautifully scented flowers and soothing properties, has a rich and fascinating history. Lavender originated in the Mediterranean, Middle East and India. It’s history goes back 2500 years. Lavender was used by ancient civilizations for its therapeutic benefits. The Egyptians cherished lavender, employing it in the mummification process and as a perfume.

    The ancient Greeks called Lavender nardus, after the Syrian city of Naarda and was commonly called Nard. Lavender was one of the holy herbs used to prepare the Holy Essence and Nard, or ‘spikenard’ is mentioned in the bible in the ‘Song of Solomon’ among other places.

    Lavender derives its name from the Latin ‘lavare’ meaning ‘to wash”. The Romans used Lavender to scent their baths, beds, clothes and hair. They also discovered its medicinal benefits using it to soothe tired muscles.

    During the Renaissance, laundry women laid linens out on lavender bushes to scent the clothes. Dried lavender bundles were used in wardrobes and chests of drawers to repel insects and protect from moths. Lavender, in combination with other herbs, was believed to ward off the plague.

    Lavender has also been traditionally used for culinary purposes, adding a fragrant touch to dishes and beverages. In more recent times, the versatile plant has found its way into essential oils, skincare products, and even as a natural bug repellent. Lavender's calming aroma has been known to aid relaxation and improve sleep quality. From its origins in the Mediterranean region to its widespread cultivation today, lavender continues to captivate us with its history and intriguing uses.


Illustrations from A Curious Herbal by Elizabeth Blackwell, 1739

Illustrations from A Curious Herbal by Elizabeth Blackwell, 1739

Illustrations from A Curious Herbal by Elizabeth Blackwell, 1739


Lavender Wand Lavender Wand Lavender Wand Lavender Wand Lavender Wand
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Lavender Wand
  • In the 17th & 18th century, French women created more decorative ways to utilize lavender. The “Fuseaux de Lavande” or Lavender Wands or Batons were made by weaving beautiful ribbons with the stems of lavender to enclose the fragrant lavender blossoms inside. The artisanal Fuseaux de Lavande is done by hand and can only be made with fresh lavender. The stems must be pliable so that they may be bent to weave and encase the lavender flowers. The wands are lovely for fresh scented drawers, cabinets & closets and as a moth repellent - they will retain their potency for 2-3 years.

    Traditionally, lavender wands were given as gifts and given to a bride as good luck.

  • During the bloom of our long-stemmed French lavender cultivars (typically in July) we host workshops on making these delightful objects in the fields. Sign Up.

  • Lavender wands are seasonally available in limited quantities in our store. Click to purchase…