Thursday October 31th from 5:30 to 8 PM
We are looking forward to our annual Halloween Celebration in the dairy barn this year. Slither, hop, or flap on over to Warwick Furnace Farm for themed punch and tasty treats, please bring any alcoholic beverage you would like to personally consume. If you would like to bring any spooky food please make a note in the RSVP to coordinate!
Costumes encouraged - Prize for most Creative Costume and Best Costume will be awarded.
Family, children and guest welcome with RSVP. Please RSVP with head count (indicated as quantity in the booking) by Oct 21st so we can gauge food, candy and activities appropriately.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Sincerely, Ed, Dolly, Claire, Lillie, Elie, Charlotte, Camille & Thea
Ps. We will be the last stop on the children’s Trick or Treat ATV Parade. If you would like to participate as a trick or treater or as candy stop please fill out the form below the RSVP button.